BridgetQ Photography

Down in the garden...

Spring has finally arrived and there are signs of life all around us. The Marston Greenhouses in Shrewsbury proved to be just the right setting for an early spring maternity session for Nina & Terence.

Nina’s pink maternity gown was the perfect compliment to the colorful plant life that Marston’s greenhouses had to offer, and it showed off her growing bump perfectly! Terence was of course the ever supportive husband and loving daddy-to-be, with tons of little kisses for Nina and her beautiful baby belly throughout the afternoon.

We have a few more weeks before Baby Lee makes here arrival in this world, and I can’t wait! Knowing these two, she is bound to be an amazingly caring, gentle and beautiful little girl. Congrats N&T!


Award winning Wedding Photography & Family Photography in based in Westerly, RI and Stonington, CT


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